As road safety continues to be a major concern and talking point across Africa and the globe; we are doing our part to assist in minimising the carnage on all roads and have partnered with ICL to help reduce road deaths in Mauritius.

Partnering With ICL

With ICL being the pioneer of GPS and telemetry solutions in Mauritius since 1997, ICL (Island Communications Limited) was created by the RHT Group with the aim of offering companies the means to use the latest connected technologies for total control of their operations.

This made ICL the perfect match for the SpeedFOX-lead GeoInt partnership to address the Mauritian road safety issue.

Putting An End To Speed Related Road Deaths

Uways Kureeman, the ICL General Manager says, “With 1.3 million road traffic deaths worldwide, excessive speed is the leading cause. We are proud to introduce the first intelligent speed assistance system in Mauritius, as a forerunner and innovator in smart mobility technologies.”

With the potential to influence over 3000 drivers across the ICL corporate customers, the aim is to make an impact by bringing this new technology for safer roads in Mauritius.

“We are excited about the partnership with ICL, and the expansion of SpeedFOX into the Mauritian market which will significantly improve road safety, reduce carbon emission and reduce the costs associated with road accidents,” says Kamal Ramsingh, Chef Executive Officer at GeoInt.

TIA Funded African Innovation

SpeedFOX’s innovative technology, funded in part by the Technology Innovation Agency, is designed to reduce vehicle speeding, speeding-related accidents and mortalities.

The SpeedFOX device is fitted into a vehicle to assist with actively limiting speed, taking into consideration the type and condition of the road.  SpeedFOX with its offline embedded map technology ensures that the vehicle cannot exceed any of the legally posted speed limits, while still ensuring the driver is always in full control of the vehicle.

Fleet operators will be able to set speed limits for specific road types such as gravel roads, or steep gradient roads to ensure their vehicles are operating within set margins in compliance with traffic regulations.

These are just some of the ground-breaking features within SpeedFOX, with a host more currently in development and first-level testing.

For more information, contact info@speedfox-isa.com or visit www.speedfox-isa.com 


SpeedFOX intelligently assists drivers to comply with speed regulations in varying road conditions through a semi-autonomous technology that reinforces positive driver behaviour leading to fewer accidents, reduced fuel and maintenance cost and safer roads. SpeedFOX is able to deliver on the specific ISA regulations that are being made mandatory via the various governments worldwide.

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